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5 Signs Of Ageism


Identify 5 signs of ageism to become aware of this way of thinking. Ageism, also called age discrimination, is any stereotyping, prejudice, or any general negative thinking that people have about older people. Often signs of ageism are seen in the workplace, which leads to older workers being discriminated against by younger coworkers.

  1. Assuming that older people are a certain way. The most obvious sign of ageism is when people see an older person and automatically assume that older person is a certain way. This can include their mental sharpness or physical abilities. Ageism, like any prejudice, does not rely on facts but on a stereotype that a group of set of people will be or act a certain way just because they belong to a given group, in this case, a group of older people.
  2. Passing over older workers because of their age. Another key sign of ageism is the act of passing older people by when hiring or promoting workers. Some people believe older workers are not as up to date on technological issues, for example, and assume that the older person cannot do the job. This is a sign of ageism.
  3. Holding a physical impairment against a person. Ageism can include seeing an older person with a limp or other physical impairment and assuming that they are unable to do certain things. This fact may or may not be true. The limp may be temporary from a sports injury, for instance, but ageism assumes the person is limping because of their age.
  4. Seeing gray hair makes someone old. The fact that someone has gray hair or is bald and jumping to the conclusion that the person is old is another sign of age discrimination. Some people are prematurely gray or go bald as a young person. This type of physical feature is not always a true sign of someone's age, and thinking that the person is old because of it is a sign of ageism.
  5. Thinking all old people act a certain way. Many people have in their minds how older people act. When they lump all older people into a set pattern without giving each individual the benefit of showing their own abilities or characteristics, age discrimination is at work.

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How To Take A Biological Age Test


One key factor in determining the aging process is by understanding your biological age, so many people are becoming increasingly interested in learning how to take a biological age test.  While chronological age is the years since your birth, biological age refers to the age of your body and mind judging from your lifestyles and current body conditions.  For example, if a 20 year-old does not take good care of himself, he may have the biological age of 35. There are many different methods if you want to take a biological age test. Do understand that a biological test will not help diagnose any health problems.  You can take a biological age test at home by following the instructions below. 

  1. BMI. BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is developed by the World Health Organization to determine whether you have an appropriate weight that is proportionate to your height.  To calculate your BMI, multiply your weight in pounds by 703, then divide the result with your height in inches. If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you are healthy and your biological age probably is close to your chronological age. If your BMI falls above 29.9, you are more likely to suffer from hypertension and heart disease than people your age.  
  2. Balance. One biological age test is to test how well you can balance your body. Bend one of your legs forward at a 90 degree angle and place your hands on the hips so you cannot grapple on other objects for balance. Close your eyes and count until you can no longer hold the posture. For accuracy, you can repeat the steps three times and use only the best time. If you can stand on one leg for longer than 70 seconds, you have the biological age of a twenty year-old. However, if you can only last for twenty seconds or less, your biological age is 80. 
  3. Cholesterol level. High cholesterol level means an older biological age. You can find out about your level if you take a biological age test using only a mirror. Observe your eyes to see if there is a white arc at the edge of your cornea. If your cholesterol level is high, the arch will appear longer or even complete. A complete arch usually represents a biological age of 80. 
  4. Lifestyle. Habits such as smoking and drinking will increase your biological age as alcohol and tobacco will lead to liver damage and other health problems. On the other hand, regular exercise and healthy relationships with others will lower your biological age. So, the biological age test here is to ask yourself whether you have any unhealthy habits that you know is harming your body. 

Warning: Even if you have a good biological age, you should still consult a medical professional if you experience any unusual pain or discomfort in your body.

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5 Signs Of Biological Aging


Would you like to know the 5 signs of biological aging? Biological age and chronological age are two different things. Chronological age is your actual age based on the number of years since your birth. Biological age refers to how fast or slow the body is aging.  This means that although a person’s chronological age is 40, they may have no visible wrinkles and look as though they are closer to 30 years old. This person is aging slowly and they are in good health.  Signs of biological aging are the things that start to go wrong with our bodies as we get older. The process may start with needing to wear glasses as our eyesight changes as we age. Some additional signs of biological aging are as follows:

  1. Hearing loss. Loss of hearing, called Prebycusis, begins gradually and may take years to become noticeable. By the time a person reaches the age of 65 the hearing loss may require the use of a hearing aid. It is estimated that one-third of Americans age 65 to 75 experience some degree of hearing loss.
  2. Arthritis. Arthritis and Osteoarthritis affect many older people but can also affect younger people as well. Arthritis is defined as pain and swelling of the joints. Osteoarthritis is a disorder of the joints in which the pain in the joints become severe and worsens over time. It affects the muscles around the joints and can cause the joints to become deformed.
  3. Muscle loss.  The body loses muscle tone over time this is why it is important to eat enough protein and maintain a regular exercise program including weight lifting. Muscle breakdown is attributed to falls and injuries in older people.
  4. Sleep problems.  As we get older, we tend to sleep less and wake during the night. It is common for older people to experience sleep disturbance and occasional bouts of insomnia.
  5. Changes in hair and skin.  Wrinkles appear as the skin begins to lose elasticity and collagen breaks down. Collagen is the substance that makes the skin firm and allows it to stretch without breaking.

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How To Treat Premature Skin Aging


Your skin is truly the first thing that people see when they look at you.  If you are concerned with aging skin, you should know there are certain steps you can take to treat premature skin aging.  These techniques are simple, easy and effective if you practice them daily.  As much as people say their wrinkles are lines on the road they call life, it isn't something you want to look at in the mirror.

  1. Sun exposure.  This is the number one cause of premature skin aging and the most preventable.  Ultraviolet rays are very harmful when they have penetrated the skin and actually changed it's structure to turn darker.  While it may look great at the time, you will regret it one day.
    What you can do:  For one thing, you should always wear sunscreen with a high SPF while out in the sun, no matter what. Even if your skin has already been damaged from the sun, the sunscreen can prevent any further damage. You can also use anti-aging creams which can turn back the clock and give you younger looking skin.
  2. Smoking is bad for you, period.  Yes, smoking is bad, overall.  However, as many health problems as it may give you–the skin is the first to see the signs.  In studies, it has been proven that smokers even as young as 20 have already started premature aging from only a year or two of smoking.  Smoking can quickly accelerate the process of aging.
    What you can do: 
    Quit smoking, and do it now! The good news is that all you need is determination and a strong willpower to stop.  Also, studies have shown that if the smoker quits early enough, the body can 'repair' the damage done to the skin and make it healthy again.  Even if a person has been smoking for more than 10 years, the body can repair the skin and generate new skin cells to repair the damaged ones.
  3. Facial Expressions. If you frown, it will show.  Facial expressions are actually a very common factor in wrinkles. Not that you may be able to change every facial expression that you make, but it might help lessen wrinkles later on in life.  Common facial movements such as frowning, smiling, squinting and raised eyebrows may all change the structure of your skin over time.
    What you can do:  You cannot control every action that you make, but being aware helps. Squinting may be fixed by wearing sun glasses or getting prescribed glasses for your eyes if you have vision problems.  While you should stop smiling or laughing, those lines can be tamed by simple facial exercises.  A very common facial exercise for laugh and frown lines is to hold water into your cheeks for 30 seconds at a time.  The pressure exercises and tightens muscle in that area.
  4. Sleeping positions.  Another very common factor in skin aging is actually just the way that you sleep. Think about it, people spend an average of 8 hours sleeping every night.  Just as mentioned in the above step, facial expressions can cause premature aging.  Sleeping on your face may cause the same premature aging lines to form on your skin.
    What you can do: Try practicing sleeping on your back. Studies have shown that people who sleep on their backs did not form what is called 'sleep lines', these are commonly located on the forehead and side of the face.

Other factors may include:

  • Back and forth dieting can cause premature aging skin.  Loosing weight and then gaining it back not only creates stretch marks but can always loosen and tighten skin too many times over.  This can cause the elasticity in your skin to become weak over time.
  • Not drinking enough water.  Your body is made up of 70% water and needs these nutrient running through at all times.  Being dehydrated for long periods of time can also cause the elasticity in your skin to become weak.
  • Avoid alcohol.  It's not good to drink alcohol on a daily basis for your skin or your body.  This can cause premature aging and also dehydrate the body.

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How To Throw An Over The Hill Birthday


Need to know how to throw an over the hill birthday? You look around and friends and family and you see it is time to throw an Over the Hill birthday party. Someone in the bunch is getting older and you want to make sure that everyone is there to celebrate and give them a hard time. When a friend reaches this milestone, throw an Over the Hill birthday party to commemorate the moment together. Here are a few ideas to help you put the party together.

  1. Choose a date and time. Try to have the party on a day that you know the guest of honor will be able to attend. Usually, the weekends are the best time for a birthday party. You also want to decide whether or not this is going to be a surprise.
  2. Find a location. Think about the time of day or evening that you want to have the party as well as the current weather. You can have the party at your house, rent out a ramada at the park or even reserve a room at a restaurant.
  3. Come up with a guest list. Think about all of the people that would be interested in celebrating this person's birthday. You can send out paper invitations, emails or even make phone calls. If this is going to be a surprise Over the Hill birthday party, be sure to let all of the guests know so they don't spoil it! Because of the Over the Hill theme, consider asking guests to come dressed in all black.
  4. Make or order a cake. You can have a black cake to add to the purposefully drab feel of the party, or go with something more traditional. If you will not be able to pick up the cake, arrange to have it delivered or ask one of the guests to pick it up on the way to the party.
  5. Get some food together. Think about what the birthday boy or girl would really enjoy and make sure there is plenty of it. Also, be sure to get drinks and plates, napkins and utensils together. These can also be black to add to the party's theme.
  6. Consider allowing guests to make a toast. Because of the person's age, go around the room and allow everyone to share something about the guest of honor. You can also turn it into a roast, and let everyone make fun of the person.

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How To Remove Age Spots On Face


Learn how to remove age spots on your face. A lot of people, men included, would love to know how to get rid of age spots. Looking healthy is something most of us aspire to and getting rid of age spots is something to help you keep a youthful look.

Some things you need to get rid of age spots:

  • Skin brush
  • Limited sun exposure
  • Sunscreen
  1. Sunscreen is one of the best defenses against age spots. Stop the age spots before they start. Wear sunscreen as often as possible. Even in winter when the last thing on your mind is the need for sunscreen. In winter the sun reflects and is definitely still out giving its rays to your face. It's better to use SPF twenty or more. The higher the level of SPF, the more skin protection.
  2. Skin brushing. This a secret that not a lot of people know about. Skin brushing is done with a clean, dry toothbrush (on the face) and/or a regular sized brush (the size of a tub scrubbing brush) for the rest of the body. This helps to remove age spots on the face as well as other skin imperfections.
  3. Limiting your sun time. Staying out of the sun isn't the easiest way to remove age spots. It's nice to get some sun. But this is where slathering on sunscreen many of us hate goes a long way to help remove age spots and prevent getting age spots all together. Hats are helpful in covering your face to some extent and that helps protect your face from getting age spots.

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How Does Someone With Memory Loss Forget?


Have you ever wondered how someone with memory loss forgets things they just did or important events and people in their past? How can they forget what they ate for lunch today but are able to remember exactly what they were doing the day President Kennedy was shot? How can people with Alzheimer’s or amnesia not recognize their spouses or children? Some memory loss occurs during the process of aging, while other memory loss may occur from things such as Alzheimer’s disease, brain tumors or injuries, amnesia, drug and/or alcohol abuse, medications, emotional issues, or depression. 

  1. Where is information stored? There are storage areas in the brain. Our long-term memory stores memories from things in the past like memories of our childhood and other events in our lives and facts we have learned during our lives. Our short-term memory stores things momentarily while we take a mental picture or repeat it over to ourselves (encode) so that we will remember it later. If these memories do not get encoded, they will simply be forgotten and never get to our long-term memory where they could be retrieved for future use. 
  2. There are three storage units in our long-term memory. There are two storage “tanks” in our declarative memory section of the brain, and one “tank” in our procedural memory section. There is a “tank” for episodic memory, which stores our memories of childhood and events in the past, and there is a “tank” for semantic memory, which stores meanings, understandings and knowledge that we have learned throughout our lives. In the procedural “tank” are things we have learned to do in our life, which are often automatic. After we encode something in our short-term memory because we want to remember it, it goes to one of the three “tanks” in our long-term memory.
  3. There is some normal memory loss as we age.  We start losing a few brain cells and brain chemicals some time in our twenties and this loss increases as we age. The more brain cells we lose and the older we get, the more our memory is affected and the more apt we are to forget. This loss can cause our brain to store information in a different way and become harder to recall. Some of the things that happen normally as we age are forgetting where we put something, or forgetting someone’s name that we just met. That type of aging memory loss or forgetting can be helped by making lists, keeping a calendar or daily planner, repeating a person’s name over a couple of times or making some type of association with their name to help us remember, putting our things in the same place all the time, and keeping your mind active by doing things like crossword puzzles or memory games.
  4. What happens to the brain in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia related disorders? There is a chemical in the brain called acetylcholine that carries messages from one nerve cell to another. In Alzheimer’s, this chemical breaks down and communication between the cells cannot occur. This results in memory loss. At first only the short-term memory is affected, and the person can remember their past but may forget something that has just happened. As more and more chemical breakdown occurs, the disease worsens and all memory is affected.
  5. In general, there are four major reasons why people forget. Forgetting can be simply a matter of retrieval failure. For some reason we just can’t bring back the memory. Another cause of forgetting can be caused by a newer memory being similar to an older memory, and the newer memory covers up the older memory. This could also happen when an older memory is so strong it covers up the newer memory. Another thing that could happen is the memory failed the encoding process and never got to long-term memory. Finally, there are sometimes events that people don’t want to remember. The event is still in their memory, but they are unable to recall it because it is too traumatic to retrieve. They just want to forget it forever!!

Tip:  If your memory problems are affecting your daily activities, consult your doctor. Your problem may be treatable.

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How To Treat Short Term Memory Loss


Wondering how to treat short term memory loss? While forgetfulness can be stressful and even frightening you do have the power to improve this condition yourself. Take control of your mind with these tips on how to treat short term memory loss.

  1. Eat for proper brain function. Try to include plenty of brain foods in your diet on a daily basis. This includes salmon, walnuts, coffee, and berries. Foods that are high in either nurturing omega oils or protective antioxidants are beneficial for treating short term memory loss.
  2. Take ginkgo biloba for brain support. This natural herb improves cerebral circulation and has been known to treat memory loss. Talk to your doctor about adding ginkgo biloba to your diet.
  3. Exercise. Improving overall well-being through regular physical activity has a positive effect on mental well-being. Exercise improves circulation and helps to lower cholesterol, two important factors in brain health.
  4. Use brain games. Fifteen minutes a day of puzzle-like activities such as crosswords and sudoku is a great way to exercise the brain and treat short term memory loss.
  5. Avoid and address factors that can cause memory loss. Alcohol and drug use, heavy use of prescription and over-the-counter medication, exposure to toxins, and even depression can affect the well-being of neurons and neurotransmitters. To prevent and treat short term memory loss, stop any type of substance abuse, reevaluate the necessity of any drugs you may be taking with your doctor, drink purified water and eat organic produce, and talk to someone if you may be suffering from depression.

Knowing how to treat short term memory loss is a valuable asset. Not only can you improve the functioning of the brain, but you can also prevent further mental deterioration.

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5 Best Ideas For Over The Hill Party Supplies


When your friend is having a party and you need a gift idea here are the 5 best ideas for over the hill party supplies.

  1. Viagra. Viagra or anything in the shape of a small blue pill will always be one of the best ideas for over the hill party supplies. Giving a Viagra sample to your rapidly aging friend is always good for a few laughs.
  2. Popsicle Stick and Duct Tape. This is a unique gift you can give to your over the hill friend to help with his erectile dysfunction problems. Make sure you label it as "Red Neck Viagra" or something similar. This is a unique gift and a cheap way to give your birthday buddy one of the best ideas for over the hill party supplies.
  3. Over The Hill Stripper. Nothing says over the hill better than an 80 year old woman in lingerie. The aging stripper does not have to actually do any dancing. As long as she is insinuating that she will be giving the birthday boy a lap it should be enough to make him a bit uncomfortable as well as providing many laughs from everybody in attendance.
  4. Adult Undergarments. Give a pack of Depends or other similar adult undergarments to your aging buddy. A pack of adult diapers is always a funny gift and one day he may even need them.
  5. Over the Hill Stool Softener. It is a small hammer that is packaged as an "Over The Hill Stool Softener". Hard stools are something that affects many people as they get older and a funny gag gift such as this is always one of the best ideas for over the hill party supplies.

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How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Wrinkles


Many people want to know how to get rid of under-eye wrinkles, and the effectiveness of the treatments available may surprise you. The first step in getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes is prevention. Sun exposure, smoking, cold weather and dehydrated skin can all lead to under-eye wrinkles. Avoiding these things will slow their progression while treating the eyes. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and the body produces less collagen under the skin. So, how can we get rid of eye wrinkles and keep them from coming back?

To get rid of under-eye wrinkles, you will need:

  • Eye cream
  • Dark glasses
  • A hat
  • Sunscreen
  1. Eye cream is essential to treating under-eye wrinkles. Wash your face and eyes first thing in the morning and apply an eye cream before any regular face cream. Wash your face again at night, removing any makeup, and apply another layer of eye cream. When applying the cream, avoid stretching the skin and start from the outer edge of the eye and work towards the inner corner. These creams typically contain retinol, collagen, vitamins and muscle relaxers that improve the elasticity of the skin over time and help to eliminate wrinkles.
  2. There are some great eye creams on the market, and they are extremely effective at getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes. Most of these creams are available at the local pharmacy or drug store. They work to get rid of under-eye wrinkles and dark circles, reduce puffiness and prevent further damage to the delicate skin around the eyes.
  3. To keep wrinkles at bay, wear dark sunglasses and hats, and always apply sunscreen before going out into the elements. Sun exposure is a great contributor to wrinkles under the eyes, and summer is the worst time to have your face exposed. Sunlight causes premature wrinkles around the mouth, eyes and forehead. Use an SPF of 50 or more on the face, but your best bet is to keep the sun from coming into contact with your face altogether.
  4. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day to ensure that your skin is properly hydrated and get plenty of sleep to reduce under-eye wrinkles. When the body is sleep deprived it causes the eyes to sag, causing fine lines and wrinkles. Placing tea bags or cucumbers over they eyes will help to shrink the blood vessels and relax irritated eyes. This may seem like a small step, but it can go a long way towards reducing wrinkles when applied first thing in the morning prior to your eye cream.

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10 Rock Songs About Getting Older


Highlighting 10 rock songs about getting older kind of goes against the grain of rock and roll. These musicians live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse. At least that's what we're told. Yet, there are quite a few songs that deal with aging. There's no such thing as a pension plan or retirement in rock and roll, but they can at least sing about getting old.

  1. "Middle of the Road" The Pretenders Chrissie Hynde is so cool. She can sing about middle age and still sound young. But this is Hynde getting older and realizing her world isn't getting any better. And that's not a good thing.
  2. "Wouldn't It Be Nice" The Beach Boys Get this: Brian Wilson sang about wanting to get older so he could get married and settle down. What's wrong with this guy? Well, it turns out plenty is wrong with him. But he still gave us one great little song.
  3. "Hey Nineteen" Steely Dan This is a cool song. When the singer can't believe his date has never heard of Aretha Franklin, he's floored. That's one of the drawbacks of dating someone young enough to be your daughter.
  4. "The Heart of the Matter" Don Henley Don Henley was always old before his time. But when he wrote this song, he really was getting older. When you get older, hopefully you get wiser. Don Henley, indeed, sounds wise in this song.
  5. "Mother's Little Helper" The Rolling Stones What a drag it is getting old. The Rolling Stones are singing about an aging woman, but it's a drag to age, whether your a man or woman.
  6. "When I'm Sixty-Four" The Beatles This is the ultimate aging song. The Beatles gave us a song that wondered if love could last well into old age. It can, of course, but it usually takes a few marriages to get there.
  7. "Growin' Up" Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen struggled growing up, but he seems to have found peace. Let's hope his kids are having an easier time growing up than he did.
  8. "Too Old to Rock & Roll, Too Young To Die" Jethro Tull In this song, Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull sings of that ugly middle ground. This person is past their musical prime, but not quite ready to kick the bucket. Obviously, Ian Anderson wasn't singing about himself. He's not too old to rock and roll at all.
  9. "Touch of Grey" Grateful Dead By the time the Grateful Dead recorded this song, the band members had more than just a touch of gray. But that didn't matter because it still became their biggest hit. This touch of gray ended up having the golden touch.
  10. "Time Passages" Al Stewart The passage of time means aging. But it sounds so much nicer to say "time passages," than "aging," doesn't it? Al Stewart thought so. He may have been right.

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10 Country Songs About Getting Older


The 10 country songs about getting older will make you think, laugh and even cry. Country is one of those genres that knows how to tackle a sensitive subject like getting older. When you hear the 10 country songs about getting older it may just make you feel a bit younger.

  1. Toby Keith "As Good As I Once Was" (2003). Only Toby Keith could bring together the subject of getting older and bar fights into a realization of the inadequacies of growing older. This entry into the list of the 10 country songs about getting older will make you understand growing older just a little bit better.
  2. Merle Haggard "Old Man from the Mountain" (1974). Country music legend Merle Haggard released "Old Man from the Mountain" (1974) to discuss the subject of aging and holding on to your lady and your land. This high-spirited song needs to be on the list of 10 country songs about getting older.
  3. Hank Williams Sr. "Angel of Death" (1954). Hank Williams Sr. died in 1953 at the age of 29. In a very short time, his honest country music left an ever-lasting impression on all music for years to come. The song "Angel of Death" (1954) was released the year after Williams died and it showed his continued fascination with asking for forgiveness before dying.
  4. John Conlee "The Backside of 30" (1979). An unmistakable country song about being a guy being on his own after his wife and son leave him. John Conlee did not have many hits, but this song belongs on the list of the 10 country songs about getting older.
  5. Hank Williams Sr. "Ready to Go Home" (1956). This is another song about getting and old, confessing your sins and then dying by country legend Hank Williams Sr. This was released as a posthumous single three years after Hank Williams Sr. passed away in 1953.
  6. Dixie Chicks "Top of the World" (2003). The song "Top of the World" (2003) was written by songwriter Patty Griffin and recorded by the Dixie Chicks. It tells the story of a man that does nothing but regret his life as he grows older. The song appears on the Dixie Chicks album "Home" (2003).
  7. The Stanley Brothers "I Long to See The Old Folks" (1954). The Stanley Brothers are the legendary country act that recorded "Orange Blossom Special" (1955) and "Pretty Polly" (1950). The song "I Long to See the Old Folks" (1954) is an interesting observation of the process of growing older.
  8. Wynonna Judd "Is It Over Yet" (1993). Wynonna Judd is one of the recent legends of country music, and her song "Is It Over Yet" (1993) is about growing old alone. This song about begging someone to stay that wants to go deserves to be on the list of the 10 country songs about getting older.
  9. Johnny Cash "A Boy Named Sue" (1969). One of the most famous of getting older by country legend Johnny Cash. "A Boy Named Sue" (1969) was debuted at the San Quentin prison on national television as a story about a man who grew up wanting nothing but revenge on his father for naming him Sue.
  10. Red Sovine "Giddy-Up Go" (1965). Very few country singers told a story like Red Sovine did. His hit single "Giddy-up Go" (1965) is about a trucker who named his truck Giddy-up Go because that is what his little son named it. The trucker came home to find his son and wife gone. After 25 years, the trucker met his grown-up son who became a trucker driving a rig named Giddy-up Go as well.

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10 Best Songs About Growing Old


What are the 10 best songs about growing old? Read on to find out. Growing old can be hard, but luckily, there are plenty of songs out there that can help you in the process. Songs about growing old can cheer up those who feel they are aging quickly, or offer some insight on the idea of old age. Whether you are a fan of country, rock, or cheery music, we’ve got the perfect song about growing old for you here. 

  1. David Bowie- “Changes”. This is a great 1971 song about getting older and the passage of time. It also is a good reminder that everyone gets older, sooner or later.
  2. John Mellencamp- “Cherry Bomb”. The main focus of this song is about gaining a new perspective on life as we grow older and wiser.
  3. John Mayer- “Stop This Train”. Everyone has some fear of growing old, even John Mayer. This song takes a look at a few insightful ways to combat the fear of aging.
  4. Pulp- “Help the Aged”. When we grow older and things begin to change, suddenly the world doesn’t make as much sense as it did. “Help the Aged” lets us know that changes will happen and we just have to sit back and let them.
  5. Simon and Garfunkel- “A Hazy Shade of Winter”. This song uses seasons as a metaphor for the cycle of life and changes that occur in our lives.
  6. Dooley Wilson- “As Time Goes By”. The name of this song is quite self-explanatory, as it takes into the world of time and the cycles of life.
  7. Toby Keith- “As Good as I Once Was”. In this song, Toby Keith takes a look back on his life and how he used to be.
  8. Sophie Tucker- “Life Begins at Forty”. Nobody ever said growing old has to be a bad thing, and this song explains how life is only just beginning as we age.
  9. Barbara Mason- “Yes, I’m ready”. Barbara Mason wrote this song at the age of eighteen, explaining her readiness to take on life and getting older.
  10. The Beatles- “When I’m 64”. Paul McCartney wrote this song for his father’s birthday, and it has been a favorite ever since.

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10 Songs About Growing Up Too Fast


It's not surprising to find these 10 songs about growing up too fast. Kids are growing up too fast. In fact, adults have always thought kids grew up too fast. Even so, it sure seems like they're on time-lapsed photography these days.


  1. "What's My Age Again?" — Sum 41: With "What's My Age Again?", these Canadian pop-punk stars faced fast-approaching adulthood. Just as bands wonder what town they're in, from day to day, young people must sometimes wonder how old they really are.
  2. "Last Dance with Mary Jane" — Tom Petty: Mary Jane is that girl that became a woman, almost over night. Somehow, we want girls to remain as young as we always remember them. But, that just doesn't happen.
  3. "Sweet Sixteen" — Destiny's Child: Enjoy sweet sixteen while it lasts, because that's only one year out of life. Granted, it's an important year. The age of 18 is big, too. The age of 21 is even bigger. After that, it's just bigger numbers, is all.
  4. "Circle Game" — Joni Mitchell: Joni Mitchell wrote this when she was really young. She may have been really smart. She might have been really lucky. Whatever the case, she got it right.
  5. "Sister Christian" — Night Ranger: "Babe, you know you're growing up too fast," Night Ranger sang, "And your mama's worrying." Yes, the fast growth of teens puts worry in most parents' hearts.
  6. "18 And Life" — Skid Row: It's one thing to grow up fast. It's quite another thing to take on a life of crime young. That's what happens in this gun-happy rock song.
  7. "Walkaway Joe" — Trisha Yearwood: "Mama told her baby, girl take it real slow." Famous last words, eh? If you tell a young person to slow down, they'll only react by speeding up. Mamas oftentimes know best, but little girls learn how to tune them out–even when they're giving good advice.
  8. "I'm Just A Kid — Simple Plan: It's crazy because teens start to look like an adult on the outside, but feel like they're still a kid on the inside. That's what this song suggests. He may claim to still be a kid, but he doesn't look like one anymore.
  9. "Magic Man" — Heart: When you're a kid yourself, this just sounds like a cool rock song. But when you examine the lyrics, the guy in it turns out to be a creep. Heart was pretty wise beyond their years.

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How To Look Older


Figuring out how to look older when you are young takes not only a physical makeover but also certain mannerisms and qualities. The appearance of looking older gives you the power of respect and being wise beyond your years. Give the impression you are older using the following step below.

  1. Dress conservatively. Skip the dirty converse, goofy cartoon or offensive T-shirts and opt for a sophisticated appearance to look older. It does not mean to rock a three-piece suit everyday but dress up your jean collection, and match it with a nice buttoned up shirt with cool loafers. It is a nice fresh older look appealing for all ages.
  2. Show sophistication. The biggest part of looking older is having the traits that older people carry. Talk with proper English rather than slang in sentences. Speak about subjects beyond sports, music, women, and video games and of worldly events and social issues. It is important to listen as well to speak to give others the time to chime in. Once you hone in the qualities that will make you appear older, it becomes easier in time.
  3. Hang out with older people. No one saying to hang out with people old enough to your grandparents but befriending someone who is 35 oppose to 23 whom has a lot more experience and wisdom can make a guy look older. When you befriend older people, some of their ways and habits rub on you.
  4. Have a mature face. A clean look is preferred on most young men, but to look older, grow facial hair as it usually add years to the face. Do not forget to get a trim every two to three weeks at the barbershop to avoid looking like a lumberjack. Sporting a beard makes you look maturer as many people will treat you as an older man.

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How to Avoid a Mid-Life Crisis


No one said growing older is easy.

But it certainly gets more complicated if you start cheating on your wife with the hot new intern, go into debt trying to pay for a top-of-the-line hair transplant or, God forbid, start playing in a secret rotisserie baseball league a la Paul Rudd in Knocked Up.

And while a breakdown in your late thirties or beyond might seem weirdly sexy from afar, the consequences can be dire. With that in mind, here are five expert tips for heading a mid-life crisis off at the pass. Not at that point just yet? Read this now and thank us later.

1. Treat Your Body Right.
Eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly will help keep your body and mind right. “Stay in shape,” suggests Dr. Bruce Rays, PhD, a clinical psychologist with the UCLA Medical Group in Malibu, California. “Instead of losing tone and muscle and looking like you’re getting older, then fearing aging, you’ll look healthy and strong and stay that way. Sex is important, too.”

2. Remember the ‘You’ in Your Life.
When you get into a committed relationship, ‘me’ turns into ‘us’. “Keep doing the things you like to do,” advises Jane Meskill, LSCW, a therapist in private practice in Portland, Oregon. “It’s all about balance.” Maintain your friendships, something many guys fail to do when they get hitched. Make regular plans to shoot pool or go golfing with the guys to stay in touch with your old self. At the same time, continue to pursue the things you are personally passionate about to keep your mind off hot interns—and hair plugs.

3. Allow Yourself Guilty Pleasures.
When you decide that the Harley Davidson is too much of an indulgence while you’re in your prime, it gets pushed to the back of your mind, only to resurface in mid-life. Then you go crazy buying new toys and jeopardizing their future finances. So it’s actually better to allow yourself a splurge here and there along the way. “Go shop at John Varvatos—why not have a youthful wardrobe and be able to fit into it?” asks Rays. “And it won’t be so extreme as a mid-life crisis if you have a car you feel youthful in no matter what age.”

4. Keep Your Relationship Fresh.
Relationships are work, and kids multiply it, says Meskill. “A man sometimes loses his wife to the children and family situation,” she oberves. “If you can’t transition back into the boyfriend and girlfriend stage, you’re going to realize that you have this much life left to live, you’re getting older, and you’ll want to do things.” That’s typically when men go out and have affairs. Steer clear by making sure you still have some along time with your wife, and by being as creative as possible in bed, of course.

5. If You Haven’t Already, Start Talking.
You might find that your significant other has some of the same questions flying through her head that you do. “Make the things you want clear and don’t let things build up and blow up,” says Meskill. Who knows, maybe she always wishes she had gone heli-skiing in Alaska, too, and you can plan a trip together.

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5 Men With Grey Hair Who Are Still Awesome


patrick dempsey grey hair and smirk 1.jpg

Men seem to have a distinct advantage over women when it comes to aging. A man with grey hair, when properly styled, can look distinguished, especially if that guy was awesome before he got a touch of grey. Just because you’ve started losing some hair pigment doesn’t mean you have to lose your looks or you awesome attitude and swagger. The six men on this list may have grey hair, but trust us, they are all still awesome!



George Clooney. George Clooney is so cool that he will remain awesome in the afterlife, long after his skin has been chewed off by worms. He’s that cool. It’s his combination of attitude, swagger, style, and affable like-ability that make him so endearing. He got some grey hair early on, but rather than vainly try to cover it up, he’s embraced his new follicles and his career hasn’t missed a beat. If anything, it’s going stronger than ever, and his grey may have something to do with it!

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This Is Sixty


I’m turning sixty this week. And I have to tell you, I’m kind of ambivalent. I mean, what is sixty, other than the beginning of the seventh decade? Geez, that sounds pretty ancient.

Sixty. It’s kind of a bullshit milestone, more sizzle than steak. Nothing changes the day after. Well, my health insurance already went up. But I’m still five years away from the panacea of Medicare. And retirement? That’s a big reason I chose the writing game. They can carry me from my office feet first.

Sixty. I’m not old old.

I’m just not so young anymore.

I see myself in the mirror; something doesn’t seem right. The voice inside my head is still the same. But the face has changed—who is that man?

Not young enough anymore to head fake and pull my Earl Monroe spin move, or even to venture onto a court, doctor’s orders; or to read without glasses; or to figure out a program or an app that is supposed to be intuitive; or to stay up all night entrenched in something deviant or creative—I need a good night’s rest or I’m screwed the whole next day.

Not young enough anymore to eat pizza or donuts whenever I want; or a cold piece of fruit; or to forego flossing lest my gums recede; or to make an overture toward the super cute twentysomething who seems to be batting her eyelashes at me—at some point I realize that she’s not flirting, that one of her fake eyelashes is on crooked, bless her heart, and that she’s only a few years older than my son, whose ass I wiped, and that she doesn’t even realize she’s flirting, not in that way at least, because what she really wants from me is something that resides inside my head, inside my soul, inside my vast library of personal experience… and not inside my pants.

I’m older than her father.

I see myself in the mirror; something doesn’t seem right. The voice inside my head is still the same. But the face has changed—who is that man? Why are his eyes so puffy? What is with the crazy blotched coloring of his beard? The age spots on his bald head? The yellowing teeth. The recalcitrant hairs sprouting everywhere except the places they’re supposed to be. And what is that weird wrinkly thing going on with his neck?

I’ve only gained fifteen pounds since college, but somehow I have borderline high cholesterol. My abs are still tight but there’s a stubborn layer of fat that wants to muffin over my belt; I’m not quite sure where my ass has gone, ditto the hair on my ankles. And it has become painfully evident lately that I should never have spent the entire summer before freshman year practicing bicycle kicks—luckily, people take my arthritic limp for a modified pimp roll; I guess I’d rather be perceived as cocky than as crippled. In all, I’d say it was worth it; soccer ignited my can-do attitude. But then there’s the whole thing with my neck. There are surgeries in my future, I am certain. I try not to think about it.


That is what you do at sixty, I guess, because right now nothing’s changed all that much, but you know it will. You look up and see what’s coming and you acknowledge it, and you try not to do the actuarial math. Maybe you find some religion. Maybe you start going to see more doctors. Maybe you fine-tune a little bit your notion of what’s important and what’s a waste of time.

But then you look back down, focus once again on the road before you. You put one foot in front of the other, just as you always have.

Nearly twenty years ago, when I was in my early forties, I spent some time with a guy who was ninety-two. His name was Glenn. When we met, he’d been retired for nearly three decades, almost as long as he’d worked. He didn’t mind being old.

“Consider the alternative,” he liked to say, and then he’d laugh his trademark laugh, an elfin, phlegm-tinged chuckle, blue eyes twinkling beneath the twin canopies of his droopy eyelids. Sometimes, if he laughed too hard, he’d wet his pants a little bit.

Like Glenn told me: You can rage against the dying of the light, or you can feel fortunate that it’s not yet totally dark, that there’s time left and things to do.

But how much time?




As a young man I fought my way forward, a spoiled little brat determined to have his way, blissfully unaware of the obstacles and the odds.

Now I know what’s realistic. I’ve been through death and loss and tragedy, a shit ton of disappointment; I’m a bit of a grizzled vet, as are most of us when we’ve reached this age. Yet, even as I have a palpable sense that I’m closer to the end than to the beginning, I’ve never felt more idealistic. Or more powerful. Or more accomplished. Or more vulnerable. Or more frustrated. I don’t know how all these conflicting emotions can live together inside me as they do, but there you have it. Maybe that’s why my blood pressure is high.

Don’t beat yourself up. You can’t know things before you know them. Just don’t make the same mistake twice. There are plenty of others to make.

The good news: I’m not a career athlete or a leading man. Physicality is not my realm, I’m in the thinking game. Even as I slowly degenerate, my understanding flowers.

This is some of what I’ve learned:

Hard work, well enjoyed, builds a man, makes life, day by day.

Less is more, unless you’re talking about your bank account.

What you say and do are equally important.

That person who seems to be acting all weird for no good reason—you’re right: It’s them not you.

Sometimes your only recourse is to win by example. Don’t expect acknowledgement.

Nobody will ever hear your story in all of its richness and complexity. You’ll never be completely understood by others. This is why it’s important to try to understand yourself. Only you can bring yourself that kind of comfort.

I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers. In turn I have always tried to be kind.

The hard part is making stuff look easy.

The fullness of one’s schedule is not always the best indicator of the fullness of one’s life.

When you tell the truth consistently it’s easier to remember what you said.

The other human beings in our personal dramedies never perform exactly the way we might expect or fantasize, and neither do we.

With homeownership comes people with leaf blowers.


The Theory of Originals: Strive to be number one in a class of one. Don’t compete; instead, form your own line.

When you reach high, you can fall hard. The great ones learn how to bounce.

Success is like standing in a field watching a sunset—it’s the most beautiful time of day, but it’s also the time of day when the bugs come out.

Heartbreak is the opposite of love, just as decay is the opposite of life. With one you always have the other.

Like it or not, life’s best course is usually adaptation.

When peoples’ stories don’t add up, when it doesn’t seem plausible something happened a certain way… chances are it didn’t.

Just Kidding: Universally the most insincere phrase uttered in polite company, usually meaning the exact opposite—I’m not kidding at all.

Go the extra twenty-five feet.

Don’t beat yourself up. You can’t know things before you know them. Just don’t make the same mistake twice. There are plenty of others to make.

Luck comes more quickly when you’re doing instead of waiting. At the very least, it makes the time go faster.

Sooner or later, shit will splat in your face. Some might get in your mouth. You may not deserve it but there it is. It’s how you cope that takes your measure.


Mike Sager is a bestselling author and award-winning reporter. For more, click here.


All photos: iStock

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How to Age Gracefully Instead of Morphing Into Andy Rooney


When I was in my early twenties and living in France, I had the opportunity to attend a New Year’s Eve dinner at a famous artist’s residence in Fontainebleau, about an hour outside of Paris. A friend was living with the artist’s daughter, so we had a coveted spot at the long dinner table that included relatives of the Matisse and Picasso family. For an aspiring young writer like me, this was a heady, awesome event.

The artist himself was a bit like The Most Interesting Man In the World. He pointed to the head of the pigeon course that was still on my plate, told me, “the brain is the best part” and then showed me how to dissect its skull and produce that pistachio-sized nugget of yumminess. When he cracked open some ancient bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild Pauillac, he quietly instructed us: “You don’t drink good wine, you eat it.” Later, when he explained the secret of aging was to always clip your ear and nose hair and stand up straight, we took it as sage-like truth.

Since then, a bunch of comments from smart girlfriends, life experience, psychologists, lifestyle experts and educators later, I have assembled a list of things one must do in order to age, to mature, with style and grace and without turning into Andy Rooney (God rest his giant eyebrowed soul). Read, do and steadily morph into a silver fox…

Take a look in the mirror, and if your jeans happen to fit like James Van Der Beek’s in Varsity Blues, it’s time for a wardrobe upgrade.

1. Clip Your Nose and Ear Hair
You know those things you might have found gross in your old uncle, such as small shrubberies sprouting out of his ears and nose? Dude, it’s genetic, check your own ears! Do you really think it’s attractive to your girlfriend, wife, possible dates or even friends? Sure your buddies and mother will love you either way, but they’ll probably love you even if you degenerate into a grotesque, aging slacker doing bong shots on your parents’ tattered couch at 50. Avoid that.

2. Stand Up Straight
Slumped shoulders and bad posture aren’t only unattractive, but also mounting clinical evidence suggests that this body behavior directly affects your psychology, your mood, your sense of self and your self confidence. The Dutch behavioral scientist Erik Peper, who studies how posture affects us, found that aside from literally changing our hormones, when we sit up straight we are actually think more positively. Similarly, if we skip during a break, we can actually boost our energy levels as opposed to a slow, slumped walk that can drain us of our energy. So chin up and hup-hup-hup!

3. Wear Clothes That Fit
Fashion comes and goes but proper fit always trumps trends. You might not have a skinny jean body, so don’t push it, they’re too tight and look it! You think your grandfather is the only one who looks odd in his over-sized shirts, pants and coats? You want that happy medium of clothes that are close to the body line without necessarily hugging it. Take a look in the mirror, and if your jeans happen to fit like James Van Der Beek’s in Varsity Blues, it’s time for a wardrobe upgrade.


4. Get Your Hair Cut Properly
Clip the ponytail … unless you can really pull it off. (And unless you’re Willie Nelson, you probably can’t.) Good haircuts are often expensive but once you get one and can establish a great look for yourself, take a picture and find a more reasonable haircutter to replicate it. Obviously, shorter hair is easier to maintain. Your haircut is one of the things people notice first. It can also give you a confidence boost.. And remember: Messy hair can be a cool look, but greasy messy hair isn’t a look, it’s a warning.

5. Invest in Quality Footwear
A very hip, smart and exceedingly posh girlfriend once told me: “With a little self confidence you can get away with wearing almost anything… as long as you have great shoes.” Over the years I have observed that this is true. Great shoes can be pricey so they don’t all have to be great. But at least one stylish pair—and we’re not talking sneakers—will open doors from dive bars to elegant restaurants.

6. Be Kind
In a world filled with fuckedupness, being kind can almost seem like an alien notion. But it is not. You might think of yourself as kind and compassionate, but it is easy to forget to walk the walk. For compassion it’s essential to put yourself in someone else’s position. For kindness it’s equally essential to be able to count your blessings and live in some version of gratefulness. But there are also literally actions you can take to cultivate kindness. Generosity can take many forms. From random acts of kindness as disparate as holding a door open for a stranger to offering to take care of someone or help them out, doing good never gets old.

Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it makes everyone else more alive. Curiosity keeps you young, no matter how old you get.

7. Stay Curious
Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it makes everyone else more alive. As Dorothy Parker said, “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” Curiosity keeps you young, no matter how old you get. It also keeps you open. He who is curious and open has a twinkle in his eyes. Twinkles are attractive. He is an interested person, and we all know how tiring a person can be when they are mostly focused on being interesting. We all appreciate a person who asks questions over one who won’t shut up, no?

8. Keep in Some Sort of Shape
This one should be obvious: Maintain your fucking health. Most things can be made a whole lot better with two gigantic but easy to-do fixes: a good diet and exercise. Get those two things right a lot of this other stuff will come so much easier…

Learn more about author Loren-Paul Caplin here and follow him on Twitter here.

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That 22-Year-Old Scotch You Just Ordered Might Be a Rip-off


Conventional wisdom holds that the older the whiskey, the better it is. And in most cases that is accurate—but not always. Whiskey ages in wooden barrels—not bottles—so the longer a particular whiskey ages the more the character it takes on from the barrel. Which is not always a good thing.

Take, for example, an expensive 50-year-old Scotch. These bottles run into the tens of thousands of dollars because of the rarity and status attached to them. In most cases the drinker is tasting strong notes of vanilla and spice from the wood, moreso than the particular grain(s). Some critics believe that aging for an excessively long period actually hides the quality of the grain. Since the grain is the basis for any great whiskey, this process can be more of a detriment than a plus.

On the flip side, there are 12-, 15- and 18-year-aged whiskeys that are cheaper and as flavorful as older Scotch. The next time you’re sampling Scotch, pay close attention to the character, nose and legs of 20-year-plus aged offerings. The differences are often minimal, particularly when it comes to taste.

Another thing to take into consideration when ordering at your local bar or liquor store is the way whiskey is labeled. Any beverage that bears the whiskey name must be aged at least three years. However, unless a bottle is advertised as being from a single barrel, the whiskey is derived from several barrels of different ages. The age notation only refers to the youngest barrel in the batch. Most times we have no idea how old a bottle is, because there is no average age given. What’s up with that?

Due to demand, the way many distillers are getting around the age labels is by crafting No Age Statement (NAS) Scotch. NAS Scotch has become increasingly popular over the past few years among serious whiskey drinkers and casual sippers alike. Part of the reason is because distillers are making more NAS bottles out of necessity. The other reason is because many of them are damn good. Legally, if a bottle is marked as a 25-year-old whiskey, every single drop of that bottle must be older than 25 years. And since time machines don’t exist, these brands cannot go back in time to age more whiskey. So it is either wait decades or create non-traditional blends.

So the next time you’re in a situation that calls for a round of expensive neat Scotches, don’t automatically go for the oldest one on the menu. There are great NAS, teenaged and OG options to suit various palates and tax brackets.

Photo: iStock/Shaiith

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